ICC 21: Making yourselves a place of stability!
- with Charles Crowl
What you will learn:
Align your personal and professional aspirations together and discuss career first with your company.
Don't expect things to stay the same for long - they often don't!
Make yourselves a place of stability and everything else will fall into place
Look through the lens of opportunity and not the lens of fear.
Recognise that this is a choice you are both making - the pros, the cons and the compromises.
Don't try to control your partners experience - there are two independent, though linked, career experiences happening alongside each other
** I refer to 'The Mountain is You' by Brianna West during this conversation.
In this episode I was delighted to talk to Charles Crowl about his experience of becoming one part of an international career couple and about how he and his husband navigated challenging circumstances to pursue their relationships and their careers. It is an inspiring story and Charles is able to share many tips and techniques about being an ICC.
Charles is a passionate people developer and seasoned business leader with extensive experience in managing teams, stakeholders, and supply chains across Europe, the USA, and the Asia Pacific region during his 13-year tenure at the L'Oréal Group. In 2022, amidst the rapid evolution of workplace culture and leadership demands, Charles began leveraging his wealth of experience to assist organizations in retaining and nurturing their top talent. His signature program is the FMCG Career Accelerator, where he partners with top FMCG talent to navigate their unique career journey.
On the personal side, Charles is Australian and met his husband, Gregory from Mauritius, seven years ago on a dance floor in Shanghai. Since then, in no particular order, they have navigated several international relocations, political protests, a pandemic, two redundancies, multiple career pivots, launching a business, buying a house, getting married, and adopting a cat!
You can find out more about Charles from the following links:
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-crowl-thrivex-coaching-consulting/
Website: www.thrivex-coaching.com
Email: contact@thrivex-coaching.com​​